Sunday, 10 July 2016

Day 56, to Kergen, Kazakhstan, 118km , 4846km to date,  1663m up, 1799m end

A hard but good day, some serious climbing, netting 1,000 metres up.  We went through the Kara Tau (part of the Tian Shan mountain range), the snow capped range to the south is the Kungei.  Our last full day in Kazakhstan, into Kyrgyzstan tomorrow - country #5 of the trip

As I have mentioned, a large percentage of the population is Muslim, hence to prayer 5 times a day.  I was woken in my tent at 04:00 this morning by the call from the local Mosque, I found the singing voice, or should it be called chanting, or ??,  quite beautiful, like a “…all is right in the world, time to get up and enjoy a new day…”.

Morning scenery:

Top of a climb:

A couple shots from lunch of the lower section of the Charyn Canyon, a smaller but more colourful version of the grid canyon.

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