May 26,
Location: Xi’an 34° 16’N 108° 56’ E elevation 539 metres,
riding day #12. 124km today, 1623 total to date.
The ride into Xi’an was total
chaos, tons of traffic, buses everywhere, the bike lane changed into a bus/bike
lane – you get used to having a full size bus running 5’ behind you – and I was
pedaling at 30k. Unfortunately one of
the guys had a lady step out right in front of him, he went down breaking his
collar bone.
This ends the first section of our ride, two guys are
leaving and three join us.
A simple hotel, but great – not only is there water in the
shower, there is warm water, and the drain drains, and the sink plug plugs so I
can do my laundry, and it is on a quiet (I think it will be) small alley, and
we have toilet paper, and it is a non-smoking room! Amazing luxury!
We went into the Muslim quarter for
another fantastic dinner, our chiefs:
We've gone through what seems like a 100 towns like this...
May 26,
Location: Huayin 34° 32’N 110° 05’ E elevation 389 metres,
riding day #11. 142km today, 1499 total to date.
Another day doing the equivalent of a GranFondo, found it
hard today. Feeling very tired. Goods news is that my right knee is getting
better, quite a relief for me. Other good news is that we ride into Xi’an tomorrow
(about 130k), then a rest day.
A couple pictures from the day:
Yes this is a flock of sheep being herded into town –
possibly part of my dinner tonight.
All the back roads are used for drying a harvest.
I love these overloaded tractors
No idea why these arches are here, or what they represent.
This guy was using a whip that I think is laced with
gunpowder to snap at the top, it sounds like a firecracker going off. Speaking of firecrackers, they go off for almost
any reason, completion of a construction achievement, Friday night or whatever.
If you ever find yourself in Huayin , China , go to the restaurant pictured below. It is a Muslim
restaurant and the food is fantastic – except no beer. Tell them that Zabie from Kashgar sent
you. We have three local support people,
Zabie, Abdul and Ackbar are all from Kashgar – great guys.
Most city squares have exercise and dance classes in the
early morning and evening. The same
square where the pictures below were taken had several classes going on in the
evening, including what I think was a Bangra (sp?) class.