Friday, 4 October 2019

Oct 3, 2019, Pokara to Bandipur  83km, 2,991 to date, 1,222M up, 32,012M climbing to date

We had an excellent start to the day, it was clear sky, so the Annapurna range was clear, some pics:

The peak in the centre is Machapuchare, it is considered very holy and one is forbidden to climb it.  References suggest one person possibly did climb it (he was subsequently killed in an avalanche), but everyone has respected the climbing ban since.

Only 4 riding days left till the end at Kathmandu

Again the nicer hotels were at the top of a 600M climb, so that’s what we did.  We are in Bandipur which used to be a major stop on the trading routes, however a new highway bypassed the town.  This effective killed the town, but the locals said “we are not going to let the town die”, so with a huge amount of energy, some outside funding, they have created a wonderful tourist town, funky shops, narrow streets and many old restored buildings.  A few pics:

Kevin, Fiona:  I'm confused is this ad advert for Ice Cream?

Oct 4, 2019 Bandipur to Gorkha  51km, 3,042 to date, 994M up, 33,006M climbing to date

Fourth to last day of riding.  A relatively easy day, but hot with very high humidity, I could wring the sweat out my shirt at the end of the ride.  Again we cycled back down the 600M hill to the highway, along the highway for a bit, then turned off for another 600M climb to the famous hilltop town of Gorkha.  This is where Prithvinarayan Shah was born, he is known for gathering the Gorkha solders and creating what is now Nepal in the 17th century.  The British also learned that the Gorkha’s were to be given absolute respect.

If someone says they are not afraid to die, they are either lying or they are a Gorkha soldier.

No pics from today as similar to previous.

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