Day 19, to Vulture Camp 137km , 1655km to date, 1233m up, 1228m end
Well, another entertaining night, June 1st is a special day in Mongolia, called Mothers and Children day (loosely translated) - lots of kids dressed in their finest also a time for parties - when they party here that means all night, the party breaks up at sunrise. As we were camped on the bank of a river, this is a popular spot for parties. Yes, it went all night! There was pretty well continuous women singing - commonly a chorus, they sounded like a cross between Chinese female singers and Inuit throat singers - it was absolutely
wonderful other than I desperately needed to get to sleep. It was a normal party with lots of loud voices, many gales a laughter, but the impressive thing was that it was continuously happy, I never heard anything that would suggest anger or escalating voices leading to fisticuffs.
Two nights of minimal sleep made for a hard ride today.
In the pictures of the open range land, you’ll notice there are no fences, yes fences around a compound near a Gur, but not elsewhere. My understanding is that all open land is the equivalent of our Crown land, open for anyone to use. I expect there are areas that effectively belong to a family, but only by tradition, not via a tenure system. (please correct me if someone knows different.)
Well tonight is also interesting… Big thunder and lightning storm with some strong wind gusts and a period of heavy rain. So far all is happy within my little tent world.
In case any of you care, this will be 6 camping nights in row, with no access to a shower and the only river/stream looked very questionable, particularly with all the livestock around. So cleaning oneself involves 4 or 5 baby wipes. Yes, a shower is highly preferred to 4 baby wipes!
Tomorrow a relatively short 82km, into Munrun and a rest day. I really need the rest day.
Some pics from the day:
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