Day 11 to: Desert Camp, 82km, 1051km to date, 715m up, end elev 1317m
Again a very hard day. There is a pattern here, the first 40 k was not bad, a bit of a light head wind, but then the wind hit, again up to 30knots plus right on the nose, made for a really hard 45km to lunch. The day was supposed to be 153km - no way I was going to make another 71km into the wind, so I called it at lunch. I was only able to make about 8 to 10 km/h against the wind so it would have been after 7:00pm before I arrived in camp - that’s if a truck’s wind-boas didn’t knock me over. Road the truck to camp. I made it to lunch, 8 of the riders didn’t make it to lunch.
On these Tda tours they have an expression of EFI, meaning the rider has risen Every F’ing Inch. Today we established a revised version, Enough F’ing Inches.
I’ve had variations of this happen a couple times: Our 25year old driver asks me how old I am, he seems to be impressed that I’m almost his grandfather age.
I’ve noticed that the Mongolians have a wonderful sense humour, very serious when they need to be, but otherwise always joking.
I’m impressed/amazed at the amount of livestock scattered over the countryside. I have trouble believing that the countryside will support what I am seeing - there are always flocks of sheep, cattle, horses and camels around. My understanding is that the land base is essentially a large communal ranch land.
Still a couple pics of interest:
A graveyard in the middle of nowhere - with both “normal” headstones, and in the foreground, simple unmarked graves:
This is what you look like afterward, sweat, sand and a helmut:
Yes, we ran out of gas:
Our camp tonight is in the back livestock compound of a truckstop. The outhouse is a 10 hole long drop, don’t have anything loose in your pockets, you won’t be getting it back:
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