Sunday, 29 June 2014

Bad news.....

I don't know the details, but I fell off my bike badly. I was about 1 block from the hotel at the end of the day.  End result was that I woke up about 5 hours later in the hospital.  Two, maybe three broken ribs, broken collarbone, a bit of fluid on the outside of my left lung and all sorts of road rash, all over - left cheek, nose, right cheek, right jaw, left shoulder, left hip, right wrist, left knee etc.,  I have no recollection of the accident and have no idea what happened.

The end result is that it will be two months before I can ride again.  That and the (albeit in remission) hernia problem means I'll be going home.  Sorting out details as I write this.  The next running of this ride is in two years,  I think I know where I'll be in two years time.

Needless to say I'm terribly disappointed, just starting to get to the sections that really interest me - but life's not fair get over it.  The good news is that I have a blank slate for the next three months.



  1. Hi Ron, What a bummer!
    I was so enjoying reading about your progress and looking at the fascinating photos .
    I much admire your determination and positive attitude. You'll be back in the 'saddle ' very quickly.
    Meantime take care and yell if I /we can do anything from this end.

    My salutations and commiserations,

    Roger K

  2. Ron - That IS bad news but glad you're in a single piece, albeit banged & scraped. Your adventure is on pause just for now.

    Hope you have a gentle return passage - see you soon, I suspect.

  3. Those darned rickshaws are dangerous. So sorry to hear you have to abandon your adventure but so happy you are going to be okay. Sailing seem so much safer. We leave in the Vic Maui July 5 so likely won't see you until my return in mid August. Take care, my friend. vern

  4. WOW really tough break Ron! Not sure what's worse for you the laundry list of injuries or the fact you can't continue...i suspect the later. Countdown to 2016
    it's a great adventure ron and kudos to you for doing it. Thanks for sharing. See you at the club. Scotch on me!
